While few would argue that wallpaper is aesthetically superior to paint, some may be surprised to learn that, over time, wallcoverings are also a wise economical choice.
Most wallcoverings can retain their original beauty and performance characteristics for many years. On the other hand, a painted surface requires more frequent cleaning to maintain its appearance and should be repainted every three years.
While the initial investment may be higher, choosing wallcoverings instead of paint can save you significantly over time.
Modern wallcoverings like those available from Levant Home & Décor have an aesthetic appeal that painted surfaces can’t match.
Let’s compare the two.
With so many options, wallpaper is the clear winner when it comes to choosing wallcoverings as unique as you and your home. If you have any questions about a particular design or wallpaper installation from Levant Home & Décor, please contact us today. Did you know we are much more than just a wallpaper shop in Polokwane? Please browse our site and explore our range of products or view our Facebook page for additional information